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58% of respondents think that the perception of France by their corporate headquarters is either good or excellent ATTRACTIVENESS FOR AMERICAN INVESTORS According to you, how do your corporate headquarters view France in comparison with other destinations in terms of investment? “France is a developed economy, with great capacity for innovation and changes/reforms that are going in the right direction to improve the attractiveness of the country.” M&A Director, Research and Consultancy “The low level of digitalization of the industry suggests a great potential of activity for us. The government's desire to reindustrialize the territory is also a plus.” Europe Operations Director, Technology “The historical link between the USA and France, the skills of the workforce, the pro-business reforms (tax, land) and the investment plans are positive points. To be balanced with the administrative complexity, the lack of visibility on public orders and the small size of the energy market.” CEO, Energy “Americans like security: investing in a country that does not speak English well can be a no-go. We therefore prefer to organize events in London or even Frankfurt, because the investment process is more fluid.” France Director, Leisure/ Tourism Note: In percentage of respondents #AmChamBainBarometer Source: AmCham-Bain Barometer, Bain analysis PAR 200203 - AmCham Bain Barometer ... 9

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