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The State's climate commitments are mostly well received, but only 43% of respondents believe that their own commitments remain adapted CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY In your opinion, do the State's efforts in In your opinion, do the current economic “There is a good alignment between the terms of ecological transition have an turbulences put companies’ ambitious European climate requirements and our impact on France's attractiveness? climate commitments at stake? group’s, which facilitates the implementation in the country.” Development Director, Aeronautics “The Americans do not see a political threat in France in terms of ecological transition. CSR criteria are not taken into account for investment decisions.” France Director, Leisure/ Tourism “The commitments made, such as electrifying an entire fleet of vehicles, are unrealistic for the moment: there is not enough electricity in France for all the drivers. We will surely achieve carbon neutrality, but by other means.” CEO, Logistics “Despite inflation, we are meeting our climate commitments because there is a real market demand.” CEO, Chemicals Note: In % of respondents #AmChamBainBarometer Source : AmCham-Bain Barometer, Bain analysis PAR 200203 - AmCham Bain Barometer ... 28

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